Welcome to Church @ Home – a one-off weekend aimed at equipping you to “do church” in your home with family and friends.
Here’s what you need to know: we’re going to follow the “3 H” model – Head, Heart, Hands.  All three are connected and each leads to the others.  It is when we engage God with our thoughts (head), our soul (heart) and our actions (hands) that a fourth “H” emerges – Holy.  It is the pursuit of God with all of who we are and all that we do that underpins the life of faith; a desire to see Jesus glorified through who we are and what we do.
You will be encouraged to engage with each of the “3 H’s”.  Take your time…move as slowly as you need.  Allow time to pause, pray and reflect, tell stories to one another of God’s faithfulness and celebrate the One who is called “Emmanuel – God with us.”  And, make sure that at each step along the way you take time to pray.  Invite God to be part of everything you do today.
WORSHIP – Watch/listen to these worship songs.  Sing the lyrics and turn them into prayers that draw your attention Heaven-ward.
Before you watch the videos, take a moment to pray.  Ask God to make Himself known to you, that you might have the privilege of encountering Him as you worship.  Worship God with the use of these videos and then prepare to celebrate Communion

COMMUNION Today is Pentecost Sunday: the day we celebrate the coming of Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church.  What a poignant day to celebrate Communion!  Read the account in Acts 2 and then use the liturgy below to gather around the precious sacrament of Communion.
Watch the video message below by Rev. Dr. Brian Harris.  Brian is the Principal at Vose Seminary, the Baptist Bible College based in Perth, Western Australia.  The video was recorded at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and is a challenging message about our response to the God who sees, hears, cares and comes.
Before you watch the message, take a moment to pray.  Ask God to illuminate the truth of His Word to you, that it might go deep and take root within you.

The God who see, hears, cares and comes is also the God who calls us to do likewise.  This is where the rubber hits the road, where God’s transforming work in your heart and head becomes evident through the actions of your hands. So, before you finish today, make a concerted effort to engage your hands – to put your faith into action.
What is something you can do to see, hear, care and go to someone else with the love of God?  Below is a link to a list of ideas to get you started.  Pick something…and then do it.  But, make sure you invite God to be a part of this all-important process.  Ask Him to illuminate an idea to you, to bring someone to mind and be praying that this practical action will show them the love of God in a tangible way.
One last thing before you finish – how did you go?  Let us know what happened.  We’d love to receive your stories so please take a moment to tell us via emailing or on our Facebook page.